User Manual
Board Results
Keyboard use
Most of the user input in RoboBridge can be done with the keyboard.
To enter a bid:
Press p to select Pass (1st screenshot)
Press 1 to select all remaining bids at the 1 level (2nd screenshot)
Press 2 to select all remaining bids at the 2 level
Press 3 to select all remaining bids at the 3 level
Press 4 to select all remaining bids at the 4 level
Press 5 to select all remaining bids at the 5 level
Press 6 to select all remaining bids at the 6 level
Press 7 to select all remaining bids at the 7 level
Press s to select all remaining spades bids
Press h to select all remaining hearts bids (3rd & 4th screenshot)
Press d to select all remaining diamonds bids
Press c to select all remaining clubs bids
Press the spacebar to confirm the selected bid (4th screenshot)
During play you can use the arrow keys to select a card and the spacebar to actually play the selected card.
The spacebar can also be used to 'click' the Next button.