Sample of UIRoboBridge is free computer bridge software that simulates three human bridge players. It allows you to play some boards whenever you have time. The robots provide a very high level of play, so you will be trained to always play your best bridge.

RoboBridge has participated many times in the world championship computerbridge. A 2nd place in the indivdual event showed the great ability to play well with any partner.

RoboBridge lets you compose your own convention card. Possible base cards to choose from: Acol, Standard American, SAYC, 2 over 1. Customize these cards with over 50 conventions: Stayman, Jacoby, Multi-Landy, Checkback Stayman, RKC, DOPI-ROPI, Puppet Stayman, Truscott, Multi, Flannery, Fourth Suit Forcing, Negative double, Support double, Support cue, ....

Practised enough and ready for some tough competition? Join the online butler competition and compare your results with those of all other contenders.

What do you have to do to get started?
1. Click on the install tab.
2. Install the RoboBridge software.

Up to this moment 12508 persons have registered. In total they have played 10961378 boards.

Install an alpha version of the RoboBridge app for Windows

Robo Butler Open
1Erik Verbeek112.000Netherlands
2Christophe DEFER112.000France
3Gertjan van Oost28.500Netherlands
4an keizer18.000Netherlands
5Cindy Barbarisi28.000United States
6wiro jansen67.000Netherlands
7Jan Dam37.000Netherlands
8Evert Kalverda17.000Netherlands
9zso cii46.500United States
10peter munro26.000Australia
11nico bos46.000Netherlands
12Arend Nakken16.000Netherlands
13Silvio Conte25.500Italy
14Sander Uilkema25.500Netherlands
15jk wang25.500Singapore
16Willem van der Linden15.000Netherlands
17Thea Theunissen15.000Netherlands
18jac vd eijnden15.000Netherlands
19Sjef Zenden15.000Netherlands
20Mike Cragg15.000United Kingdom
21m ross15.000Canada
22Will van Wel15.000Belgium
23Paolo Nosi15.000Italy
24Harrie Dorrestein15.000Netherlands
25Bert Befort15.000Netherlands
26N C15.000United States
(Minimum of 10 finished boards required to be in this list)

Robo Pairs Open
1pat denniston199.810%United States
2renee diante199.241%United States
3mehmet berk kamen197.716%Portugal
4Christina Katuin-Ziengs196.300%Netherlands
5Eric Laurant196.300%Netherlands
6Lida Schoon196.300%Netherlands
7Ron Turner196.300%United Kingdom
8Old Shatterhand290.416%Netherlands
9buzzy lanigan289.648%United States
10Jac Leverdingen189.279%Netherlands
11laus veldman189.279%Netherlands
12Saskia Hermans189.279%Netherlands
13hikmet tezcan189.279%Turkey
14John Blues189.279%Canada
15René van den Heuvel189.279%Netherlands
16Joke Rijkenbarg189.279%Netherlands
17Sidharth Lakshmanan286.137%United States
18Bert Kerkhoff379.061%Netherlands
19david allen bald478.957%United States
20PAEJ BOONE276.375%Belgium
21Alies van der Veen-de Vries275.790%Netherlands
22jan jansen275.555%Netherlands
23willie milton artis275.065%United States
24Aty Jager174.004%Netherlands
25Gerrit Groot Roessink174.004%Netherlands
26Gé van Bemmel174.004%Netherlands
(Minimum of 10 finished boards required to be in this list)

Robo Butler Daily
1Ada Fei161.813Belgium
2har van Pol161.625Netherlands
3Robo Bridge16-2.938Netherlands

Robo Pairs Daily
1Robo Bridge1659.167%Netherlands
2toos meijer1637.812%Netherlands
3har van Pol750.714%Netherlands
4Richard Peters445.833%Netherlands
5Martinie Wolf180.000%Netherlands
6jan wolf180.000%Netherlands